...Henry Adam Byrd is on the way
Got the news from Alyssa today that her latest doctor visit went well. She's at 28 weeks and the baby is actually measuring a week ahead at 2 lbs 9
oz. Very soon she'll start on steroids for the baby's lung development (in case of very early delivery), and they'll be monitoring her very closely. Depending on the daily tests, she may be hospitalized until delivery. They won't let her go past 36 weeks, given her history.
One step at a time. Right now, we just need to pray that she gets past the 30 week mark. That is a huge mental as well as physical hurdle, as it was at 30 weeks that they lost Sydney Grace in 2007.
The picture is from yesterday's 4D ultrasound. Can't wait to hold him and wonder what God has in store for him. After the events of the last two years, I know that this child will have a purpose in life, but right now only God knows what that is.
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