...except it was 34 years ago
After a trip to see the doctor, we were back home working in the yard. Planting flowers in the back yard as I recall. Then we got the phone call from the doctor's office--test results were serious, we should go to the hospital and the doctor would meet us there. I think we got checked in around 5:30pm on April 2. In the next couple of hours I would learn more about pre-eclampsia than I ever wanted to know. 

Happily, the situation stabilized, and after the c-section, we welcomed Adam Christopher into the world around 7:30am on April 3. What a day! This was before the world of cellphones and instant communication so the rest of the family got notified from the payphone in the lobby. Can't remember how many quarters I used or how many collect calls I made.
Even though Donna and I had been married almost six years at this time, it seems as though that's when our lives started. A family. A first born son. And now that both of our sons have sons, I know they understand this feeling.
Happy birthday, Adam. I love you.
btw, the black & white pic is one of my favorites and the beautiful girl at his side is his wife of 11 years, and the mother of grandsons #1 & #3.
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