Since Friday afternoon I've had a permanent grin on my face owing to the phone call from our son in Albuquerque. "Dad, Alyssa's pregnant and we've got a heartbeat!" This means another grandbaby on the way:) It also means there will be a heap of praying the next few months.
In late 2007, Ian and Lyss lost a little girl, Sydney Grace, who was born into Jesus' arms on November 30, 2007. Then one year later, they lost another to an early term miscarriage. All of this has been chronicled on the blog "Sydney's Grace".

I cannot possibly imagine the faith and courage it took on their part to decide to try again. Could you? Knowing all the statistics, knowing the health issues Lyss faces, knowing how it might affect all of their lives--knowing all that and more and they decided to trust God to make this decision for them.
As a husband and father, I've seen plenty of health issues in our family. I've been there with Donna thro
ugh numerous surgeries, cancer, on-going problems with arthritis and other issues. I thought I was pretty tough when it came to those things, but my son is carrying a weight that would cripple most men. In my eyes, he is a giant--and no, not because he's seven inches taller than I am, but because he's a spiritual giant, a good father and a good husband.

The latest lab tests are good and they've got a heartbeat. Our faith is strong, but I confess that it'll be hard to take a deep breath in between Lyssa's doctor visits.
By the way, I threw in the pictures just so you can see the fine looking branch of the family in Albuquerque.
p.s. Still can't get this huge grin off my face.
All our prayers are with Ian, Alyssa, Liam and the new baby, as well as with each of you who will be alongside them on this journey.
Hugs & kisses,
Julie, Gavin & Landry
thanks for the kind words. i am only able to walk forward in this scary unknown because i have ian's hand to hold and his heart to hold with mine...our faith in a God who will always be faithful to us is sharpening one another and is a great encouragement. i am lucky to have this man by my side! AND to deal with my hormones and insane cravings as well!
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