The wedding ring is only a symbol of the promise we spoke on August 23, 1969--the outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible love that binds us together. I know that to be true in my rational brain, and often say those wor
ds to couples. Tonight, however, I'm giving those words a lot of thought, just as I'm thinking about my own outward symbol.
I'm sad tonight because the ring had to be cut off of my finger.
Only once in almost 40 years has my wedding band been off my finger, and that was for a medical procedure. However, tonight we had to cut the ring off my finger due to a fall last week that injured my left hand, causing two fingers to swell. The finger isn't broken but the pain caused by swelling around the ring finally got too intense and the cutting was necessary.
At the moment I can't get to sleep as I contemplate how to adjust these next few days without something that is so important to me. My wife is supportive and concerned--oh, alright, she fusses over me like the good wife and nurse that she is. Most men hate this and I profess to dislike being fussed over, but in my heart I know that it's her concern for my physical well being. After all, she's the one with the five year B.S. in Nursing from UT Austin, graduate work at TWU and having taught nursing at the Brackenridge School of Nursing in Austin. I have to respect that. Not having the ring on my finger certainly doesn't cause her concern for the well-being of our marriage. That's taken care of in the "inward and invisible love" part.
Here's a thought: once my hand is healed, swelling down and we have the ring repaired, maybe we'll have a vow renewal ceremony and take our love where we took it 40 years ago--to the altar of God's love.
btw, my camera doesn't take good close ups, so the image is a little blurry, not to mention having my hand packed in ice made me a little shaky.