Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Grandson Is...


At first glance that sounds like a bad thing. Owing to my middle sister and my daughter-in-law #1 I've learned quite a lot about special education and special needs kids. Interesting thing is way more attention (and funding) is focused on those kids who are challenged or slower learners. What about the other end of the spectrum?

Aidan is different. His brain isn't wired like most of us. It's a little scary that my grandson is intellectually way beyond me in many ways. He loves space, science and math. His parents recently bought for him a DVD series called "Elegant Universe". It's pretty intense material about space/time, gravitons, and the inner workings of atoms.  Following the show, he went up to his room with a pad of paper and starting trying to put it all together. He was asking questions like "what's the speed of an electron?" and "when an atom loses a neutron does it bounce to another atom?". 
Aidan is 8 years and 5 months old. How many "normal" 8 year olds ask those questions? Where's the funding to keep kids like him challenged, focused and ready to invent the technology to take us into the 22nd century?


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