A song lyric written by a friend of mine in Nashville some years ago says, "a heart can never be right any other place, until it's right at home". This lyric came to mind in mid February as I officiated the ceremony of Lindsay and Nathan in their new home in Terrell.

Few things are more sweet, tender or intimate as a home ceremony and this one was no exception. About ten close family members looked on as we celebrated the marriage in front of the fireplace, followed by a champagne toast in the kitchen. You just don't get much more "homey" than that. 

Together for over nine years, Nathan and Lindsay chose the Sunday evening after Valentine's Day to be married. Their ceremony included the reading of a poem entitled "These Hands", which was immediately after the ring exchange. The poem begins "these are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love, that hold yours on your wedding day". Watching their faces as I read those words left no doubt in my mind--this couple belongs together.
Thanks, Lindsay and Nathan, for letting me be part of your day.
1 comment:
Hi Ken,
You are so wonderful! Thanks for your kind words :) I am so happy that we had a chance to work together and look forward to many more weddings to come! Jeni & Rod are very special indeed and I couldn't have imagined anyone else doing their ceremony better than you.
Take care and hope to see you again soon!
Best Wishes,
Amy Brown
Catering Sales Manager
The Adolphus
1321 Commerce Street
Dallas, TX 75202
214.651.3655 - direct
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