While I try not to post sad things on this blog, this is an anniversary that I need to comment on. On Monday, March 9, 1998 I got a call that my mother had been admitted to a hospital for treatment of pneumonia. Sometime that afternoon she went into cardiac arrest and by the time she was revived it was too late to reverse the damage. She died peace

Not a day goes by that I don't think of her and how much she would be enjoying her great-grandchildren. Age 70 is just way to soon to die. My mom, or J.J. as everyone knew her, was always the life and spark of any family gathering and she doted on her grandbabies.
So why am I telling you this? To make this point: we don't know what tomorrow will hold, so if there's anything that you need to say or do, get it said and done now. You never know when it might be your last opportunity. As much as my mother and I spoke in person or by phone, it bothers me that I can't remember our last conversation.
I do remember this--at the funeral it took my sisters and me quite a while to realize why mom didn't look right. Finally came to us: we had never seen her with her mouth closed, as she was always smiling or laughing.
Thanks for letting me share this difficult memory. By the way, the picture of her is a little worn, as it's the one I carry in my wallet.
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Just thinking of you.
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