...and how to improve that all important picture
Those of us at LoveNotes adopted a new concept a few months back and it's working very well. Simple thing, really. It's about the kiss at the end of the wedding ceremony. We've probably all seen pictures like the
one included here, where a portion of the minister's face is peaking out of the little triangle created when the bride and groom share a kiss.

How to make this picture better? Easy. When we tell the groom that he may kiss the bride, we immediately step out of the frame so that the flowers, candles, or whatever is centered behind us are visible. This improves the quality of the shot, and saves the photographer the task of photoshopping the minister out. (They can't deny--I know they do it :)

Here's the same picture, except that I did a quick removal of my face--a pro would certainly be able to do a better job than I did, but I think you can see the point.
So far this has proven to be a small but significant improvement that couples like, and the photographers really appreciate. Additionally, by stepping to one side, it puts the minister beside the couple to be introduced as husband and wife for the first time.
There are other little "tricks" like this that I may mention from time to time. Point is, all 17 of us at LoveNotes take the details very seriously, to the point that we discuss and practice everything so that we may give the couple their wedding, their way.
By the way, in the picture above right, those are my own beady little eyes peaking out.
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