...born into Jesus' arms Nov 30, 2007
We’re in Albuquerque, NM for Thanksgiving, enjoying the holiday with our son and his family. I’m having some wonderful grandson time with Liam to see how many ways I can spoil him :>)
This is a happy family occasion, yet some sadness will seep in as well. Sunday, November 30 marks the first anniversary of the death of our granddaughter, Sydney Grace.

One of the cherished presents we brought back with us after her memorial service was a set of wind chimes given to us by our daughter-in-law as a memory of Sydney. We have these chimes hanging from a branch on a crepe myrtle tree in our back yard. Below the tree we have a garden bench where my wife and I often sit to talk and enjoy the neighborhood. It’s amazing how many times, even with no wind at all, those chimes qently sway, making us aware that Sydney is still with us, in our hearts.
We’re in Albuquerque, NM for Thanksgiving, enjoying the holiday with our son and his family. I’m having some wonderful grandson time with Liam to see how many ways I can spoil him :>)

One of the cherished presents we brought back with us after her memorial service was a set of wind chimes given to us by our daughter-in-law as a memory of Sydney. We have these chimes hanging from a branch on a crepe myrtle tree in our back yard. Below the tree we have a garden bench where my wife and I often sit to talk and enjoy the neighborhood. It’s amazing how many times, even with no wind at all, those chimes qently sway, making us aware that Sydney is still with us, in our hearts.
To paraphrase II Samuel 12:23, I will go to her, but she will not return to me.
If you'd like to see a short video that my son made about the anticipation of Sydney's birth and eventual agonizing reality, click HERE . It has music, so turn your speakers on.