a refrigerator art Van Gogh
Our #2 grandson, Liam Christopher, has always seemed to have a creat
ive, artistic bent to him. When he's here, he and I can spend hours creating artwork out of construction paper, markers, stickers and some glue. Once in a while we get one of his masterpieces in the mail.

He started school this year at the Oak Grove Classical Academy in Albuquerque (pictured with his bff, Aislyn) and so far seems to be enjoying it. One of the classes is art and they've been learning about artists, including Van Gogh. Keep in mind he is five years old. He decided he wanted to create something to send to Donna (his Mamaw) for her birthday, and he did it with Van Gogh in mind.

As always, refrigerator art is the best kind. We'll clear a spot for this one. One thing we noticed is how much improved his handwriting his, bordering on signing his name in cursive.
I'll take Liam over Vincent any day of the week.