...especially as I get older
Thirty-one years ago today, almost at this hour, our second son was born at Seton Hospital in Austin. Never forget being at work that afternoon and getting the call from Donna that her water broke. At that time I was working in a car dealership in Austin and as I ran out the door the first car I came to with keys in it belonged to the owner of the dealership. I jumped in and took off, hoping he'd forgive me under the circumstances. 
Ian was a little early and was born by c-section but he came out healthy and hungry, two things that haven't changed much in 31 years. As I look at him now, with two sons of his own, it's hard to remember him as a newborn. Because of the c-section and because he was early, we had to celebrate Christmas in the hospital room that year. Best Christmas gift I ever got.
Happy Birthday, son. I love you.
p.s. The owner of the car dealership did forgive me.